Completed 2Dos |
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Notifications that completed 2Dos have been handed in appear in the Alerts tab. There are several ways to view and mark completed work. You can click on the The "Go to" button will take you directly to the 2dos folder that houses that piece of work.
When a 2Do is completed by a student, their work is saved in a specific 2Dos folder. Once a 2Do has been handed in, a
*When a teacher views scores
If a collaborative piece of work was set in collaborative mode as a 2Do then, when the teacher sees the 2Do in their list, they will see a single 'Open Collaborative Work' button rather than the usual 'View Folder' button.
On the Work tab, find the Class or Group folder to find the class or group whose work you are looking for. When a 2Do is set, a folder is created within the class folder called 2Dos. All completed 2Dos will be automatically saved to this folder. You will only be able to see the classes or groups to which you are assigned as a Teacher. You will be able to see all completed 2Dos within the 2Do folder for your class.
There are two views: Default is table view for staff and Icon view for pupils. From the files handed in you can: