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These can be set as 2Dos for children or they can launch them from the icons within the 2Email area of Purple Mash.

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Email content/activities

Letters to Santa


















































letters to santa


There are two Santa simulations: One for younger children (Helping Santa) and one for older children/elves (Letters to Santa)


Helping Santa

Email 1- What is missing?

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It is a very busy time of year for me. I have lots and lots to do before Christmas Day.

Do you like my picture of the sleigh? Something very important is missing from the sleigh, what is it?

Best wishes,

Santa Claus.


Email 2- A gift

All the gifts I have for children are not yet loaded in my sleigh. My personal wrapping elf is still busy wrapping them all up.

He works so hard. I would like to get him a Christmas gift.

What should I get him?

Best wishes,

Santa Claus.


Email 3- Hungry Reindeer

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thank you for your idea. I have had lots of ideas sent to me and have decided to get him a new pair of elf shoes. You can see a picture of them attached.

My reindeer get so hungry and thirsty on their travels delivering gifts to children. What will you leave out for my reindeer on Christmas Eve?

Best wishes,

Santa Claus.


Email 4- Keeping warm

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thank you for your reply.

A bowl of water and a few carrots is just perfect for my reindeer.

The reindeer get very warm when they are pulling my sleigh.

How should I keep them warm in their barn when they are resting?

Best wishes,

Santa Claus.


Email 5 - Thank you

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Some great ideas.

I think I will use hay to keep them warm.

Thank you for all your help. I have a attached a Christmas card for you.

Perhaps you could make your own Christmas cards and send them to some friends and family. You could use 2Publish

Best wishes and stay good.


Letters to Santa

Email 1- Christmas planning

Ho! Ho! Ho!
I'm starting get myself sorted for Christmas.  This year I am trying out a new invention that my elves have been telling me about called 'Email'.  Have you heard of it? The elves tell me that it will help me organise my Christmas gift planning and make their jobs much easier so I am giving it a go.
I hope that you can help me?
Firstly, please could you write back to me and let me know if you have been good this year? I hope so! Please let me know some of the good and kind things that you have done.  I know nobody is perfect so maybe there are some things that you want to say sorry for as well? Click on the link below for a template that you can fill in.  Please could you send it back to me when you have filled it in?
I can't wait to hear from you!
Best Wishers,

Email 2- Gift list

Ho! Ho! Ho!
It was great to hear from you.  I am getting so many replies from children all around the World.  I have had to employ a whole team of elves just to manage all my emails now.
I’m having a bit of a problem with some of my packaging machines.  I wondered whether you could help my elves get the packaging designed using 2Design and Make or using the Pattern template in 2Publish? These are my requests, could you pick one and write back to me attaching your design? I will get my elves to print them to put the presents in.
1) Christmas themed wrapping paper using the pattern template in 2Publish.
2) Use 2Design and Make to design packaging for one of these items:
- a toy vehicle (car, truck, bus etc.....)
- a doll
- an interesting shaped box (using the polygon models in 2Design)

I have to go! 797,345,761 new emails have arrived that I need to reply to. My fingers are starting to hurt.
I have attached a picture of my trusty reindeer outside my home in the North Pole, I thought you might like it.  It was drawn by one of my very clever elves.
Best wishes,

Email 3- Some tips please

Ho! Ho! Ho!
I'm looking for some ideas now.  I wondered whether you are buying any gifts for your family or friends?  What sort of things are you buying and who for?
I need to get some ideas about the things that your best friends and family would like to receive. Can you give me some ideas about the things they would most like to receive and I’ll investigate them.
You could even create a spreadsheet with pictures of the gifts using 2Calculate and attach it to your email.  I have attached an example for you to use.
You could draw a picture of the people that you mention and attach it to this email so I will be extra sure about who will like which gifts?
Best wishes,

Email 4- The results of my research

Ho! Ho! Ho!
I'm very excited because one of my brainy elves has shown me something called a graph.  She made it using 2Calculate, it shows the types of gifts that children have asked me for and the elves are using it to plan the toy manufacturing. I have attached the graph for you to look at; I think I might have grown too many sprouts as usual. Never mind, the elves love them with custard!
On Christmas Day, I usually put my feet up for a bit after my hard work going all around the world the night before.  I often wonder how children around the World spend the day?  Would you be able to tell me a bit about what you usually do on Christmas Day?

I also wondered if you could attach a drawing of your house so that I will easily be able to find it on Christmas Eve?
Thanks so much for all you help so far.  I am learning such a lot!
Best Wishes from Santa.


Barnaby Bear


Where is Barnaby Bear


Email 1


Barnaby Bear is travelling again. Please draw a picture of him and email it to me.


Email 2

Thank you. Where do you think he is now?


Email 3

He gets everywhere doesn't he! How do you think he got there?


Email 4

Thank you very much. I’m going to look for him. Bye for now.





Email 1

I really enjoy celebrations. Can you tell me about an occasion you have celebrated?

Email 2

Please draw me a picture of your celebration.

Email 3

Thank you. Were there any special foods you ate or things that you did?

Email 4

Who did you celebrate with?

Email 5

Thank you! Your emails have put me in a happy mood. Bye for now.




Email 1

Hello there. We have a lovely area in our classroom for playing. It would be good to have some labels for the different things in it. Please email me a list of labels we need.


Email 2

Now that we have a list of labels, I think we need some rules for children playing in the area. Can you email me back with some rules to keep everyone safe and happy?


Email 3

Thank you for your rules. I think that we also need to make the area nice and bright so please draw me a picture to put up on the classroom wall.


Email 4

The classroom is going to look brilliant. Bye for now.




Email 1

I’ve heard you like chocolate so I need your help. I’ve created a new chocolate bar and I can’t think of a name for it. Please email me back with the name for a new chocolate bar and why you chose that name.


Email 2

Great! You must also have a great idea of how the packaging will look. Please paint me a picture of the packaging.


Email 3

Thank you for your design. If I make your design, what materials would I need for it?


Email 4

Finally, I need your help to think of a slogan for the chocolate bar. A slogan is a short phrase for example “Melt in your mouth”. What would your slogan be?


Email 5

I knew you’d be the right person to ask. Thank you for your help and bye for now.




Email 1

Hello there. I’m designing a new playground and I’d like you to email me a list of all the equipment you think should be in it.


Email 2

Thanks for the list. Please can you draw me a picture of where you think the equipment should go?


Email 3

That’s given me some good ideas. Finally, please can you describe what your favourite playground item is and why you enjoy it so much?


Email 4

Thank you for all your help, I have so many ideas. Bye for now.

Book review



Email 1

Please can you think about a book or film you have seen? Email me back with the title and tell me a little bit about it.

Email 2

That sounds interesting. Now choose one character and write about them. I’d like to see what they look like so please draw a picture of them too.

Email 3

Thank you! Would you recommend it to other people? How many stars out of 5 would you award it? Draw the stars for me.

Email 4

Great. I’ll look out for it. Bye for now.







Email 1

Hi, can you tell me about a sport or game you play? Please also draw me a picture of it.


Email 2

Thank you, that looks like fun. How do you play it? I’d like you to email me a set of instructions so that I can play it too.


Email 3

I will try to play it later. If you could improve it or change any rules what would you change?


Email 4

Thank you very much and bye for now.




Email 1- Party

Hello. I'm trying to organise a party and I've heard you like parties too so I’ll need your help. Please email me with a list of food I should make for it.


Email 2-Party food

I'm feeling hungry thinking about all that food. What is your favourite party game and why?


Email 3-Invitation

Thank you. Now I need to send out invitations. Please can you design me an invitation?

Email 4-Party

Thank you. I’ll make sure I invite you too.




Email 1

I'm feeling very hungry and would like to make something healthy to eat. Can you suggest something that will fill me up?


Email 2

Yum, that sounds good. Please email me back with a list of all the ingredients I’d need to make that.


Email 3

Thank you! I have all of those. Can you write me instructions on how to make it and send me a picture too so I can see what it should look like?


Email 4

Excellent. I'm going to start preparing my lunch. Thank you for your help and bye for now.


The birthday party picnic.


Teddy bears picnic

Can you help mummy bear to get the picnic birthday party ready for baby bear?

Email 1- Picnic time

We are having a teddy bears picnic for Baby Bear's birthday, but it is a big surprise.
It is on 25th July in Bluebell Wood at 1 o'clock.
Please bring a teddy bear with you.
Can you draw me a picture of the teddy bear you will be bringing and send it to me?
Please tell me if you can come to the picnic and what you would like to eat.
Thank you 
Mummy Bear

Email 2- Picnic games

Thank you for the picture of your teddy bear. Baby Bear will enjoy meeting all his new friends.
Now we need some games for the picnic.
Can you think of any good games we can play outside?
Please could you write me a list, then I can choose some?
Thank you 
Mummy Bear

Email 3- Picnic food
Thank you for your list of games, it is very helpful.
We will have some fun playing them.
Now I need some help with the food.
I would like to know what your favourite ice-cream is and your favourite drink.
Please draw me a picture of both of them.
Thank you
Mummy Bear

Email 4- Making the birthday cake

Thank you,
You have been so helpful.
We are nearly ready for the picnic party.
Can you help me with the birthday cake?
Please draw me a birthday cake, so that we can all sing happy birthday to Baby Bear.
Tell me what you think we should have on the cake and what colour it should be.
See you at the picnic party
love from

Mummy Bear

Little Red helps Grandma


Fairy tales

Little Red needs some help to make Grandma feel better, can you help her?

Email 1- Pictures for grandma


I wonder if you can help me?  I am going to visit my Grandma today.  She is in bed and not very well.

This is a picture of my Grandma, she is very kind.

I think it would make her feel better if I could take her some lovely pictures.

Can you draw me a picture of someone who is very kind to you?

Can you tell me all about the kind things that they do?

Grandma would love to hear all about kind things, it will help to make her feel much better.

Thank you

Little Red


Email 2- Shopping for Grandma

Thank you,

My Grandma is feeling much better.    She loved hearing all about the kind things you do.

Grandma has sent me an email to say that she is feeling hungry.

What do you think I should take her to eat?   It must be healthy food to help to make her feel better.

Can you write me a list of what you think I should take?

I will go shopping tomorrow and take her the food.

Thank you for helping me.

Little Red


Email 3- A special day out

Thank you for your list of food.

Grandma is out of bed and feeling much better.

I would like to take her out for the day.

Where do you think would be a nice place to take her?

Please send me a picture and I will let Grandma choose.

Thank you 

Little Red 

Email 4- Thank you from Grandma

My Grandma is sending you a BIG thank you.

She had a lovely day out at the seaside with me and my dad.

We had a walk on the beach and she said that all the fresh air made her feel much, much better.

Can you draw a picture of the seaside and send it to me?

Grandma will feel very happy looking at all the pictures.

Thank you for all your help

Little Red and Grandma 


Zara’s new zoo2RespZara

The zoo

Can you help Zara to get the new zoo ready for the big open day?

Email 1- Your favourite animal
Hello My name is Zara and I help to look after the animals in the zoo.
We are building a new zoo and I really need you to help me.
We want to find out about all the things you would like to see when you come and visit the zoo.
What are your favourite animals in the zoo?
Can you choose your favourite animal and tell my why it is your favourite.
Please send me a picture of your favourite animal too.
This is my favourite animal, do you know what it is?
Thank you

Email 2- The lions

Thank you for all your pictures, we will have lots of different animals in our zoo.

We need to think about where the animals will live.

What do you think the lions will need at the zoo?

Can you make me a list of all the things you think the lions will need to live happily in the zoo?
We must be very careful that they are not too near some of the other animals. 

I wonder why?

We will need a big LION sign to put up in the Zoo.

Please could you draw me a sign and send it to me?

I look forward to seeing it.

Thank you


Email 3- The other animals in the zoo

Thank you for your lion signs they will be very helpful.   We will make some signs for the other animals too.

The lions will need lots of room to run around, but what will the other animals need?

Can you write down all the other things that you think we will need at the zoo?


What will the reptiles need?

What will the birds need?

What will the penguins need?

Thank you so much for your help.



Email 4- A map of the zoo

Thank you so much you have given me some very good ideas for all of the other animals in the zoo.

I need to decide where all the animals are going to live.   Can you help me?

I need to draw a map of the zoo to help all the visitors when they arrive.

Can you draw me a map and tell me where you think the animals should go?

I can use your map to help me to plan the zoo.

Don't forget to send me your map.

We are nearly ready to open the zoo.

Thank you



Email 5- Open day

The open day for the zoo is very near but I need to think about how I am going to let people know about it.

Can you write me a list of things that I could do to let people know about the open day?

I would also like a ZOO sign for the front of the zoo, please could you send me your sign and then we will be ready?

Thank you 




Email 6- Thank you

Thank you so much the open day was great and all the animals are very happy.

I hope you get chance to go to a zoo, or you could make your own zoo in your classroom.

You will just have to use your toys and not real animals.

Thank you for all your help.


This is me at the open day with a big cake.


Set sail with Pirate Pete.



Pirate Peter is going on a long journey.  Can you help him to get ready to set sail?

Email 1- Setting sail

Hello shipmate,

Can you help me?  

I am going on a long journey across the sea but I haven't got a ship to sail in.

Can you draw me a picture of a big ship that I can sail?  

I will get someone to build it for me.

Write down all the things you think my ship will need.

Remember I am Pirate Pete, I want the best ship on the sea.

Don't forget to send me your picture.

Shiver mi timbers!

Pirate Pete


Email 2- What shall I take?
Hello shipmate,
Thank you for your pictures, you can see my pirate ship at the bottom of this email.
Now I need you to write me a list of all the things that I need to take with me on my journey.
Remember, I am a pirate, I am always hungry so I will need lots of good food to keep me fit and strong.
It will be very cold out at sea and very cold in my cabin.
I will get very dirty on my journey and I will miss being at home too.
Thank you ship mate

Pirate Pete.

Email 3- On the journey

Hello shipmate,

I have been busy packing all the things that you sent me on your list.

Who said teddy bear?  Pirates don't need teddy bears....ARRRRRRRRRR

Now I need some ideas of things that I can do on the ship.  I won't be able to use my phone or my computer, what will I do?

Do you know any games that I can play or really good books that I can read?

Please send me your ideas, I don't want to be bored.

Many thanks shipmate
Pirate Pete 

Email 4- Do you want to come?

Hello shipmate,

Thank you for your ideas but I think I might be a bit lonely on my own.

Do you want to come with me?

Draw me a picture of yourself dressed as a pirate.

Tell me why you would like to be a pirate on my ship.

I will pick the best to come and sail with me

Good luck shipmate!

Pirate Pete

Email 5- Welcome aboard shipmate!

Well done shipmate

You look like the perfect pirate!
You are coming with me on my pirate ship called Bess.

We set sail tomorrow so make sure you are packed.

Until then mi hearty....

Pirate Pete

Anna’s day out at the seaside.


The seaside

Anna has her first trip to the seaside with her dad.  Can you help her to plan the trip?

Email 1- The journey


My name is Anna, I have heard that you have been finding out all about the seaside.

My dad is taking me on my first trip to the seaside next week.

Please will you help me get to get ready for my visit?

We are going on a train from London to Blackpool and we are staying in a big hotel.

What do you think I should take with me to do on the train?

Thank you 



Email 2- I spy

Thank you for all your ideas I will really enjoy my train trip now.

Me and my dad are making an I spy list. 

That is a list of all the things we want to find at the seaside.

I want to make a list of six things that we must find.

What do you think should be on my list?

Can you write me a list of six things to help me?

Please draw me a picture of one of the things and send it to me.

I have one thing on my list already you can see it in the picture.  Do you know what it is?

Thank you



Email 3- Rock pool
Thank you everybody, I have made my I spy list and we will have lots of fun finding things.

I have a rock pool on my I spy list but I don't know what it is so I won't be able to find one.

Please can you write and tell me what a rock pool is?

You can draw a picture of one and send it to me too.

I am looking forward to seeing your picture.

Thank you 


Email 4- Blackpool tower

My dad says that there is a tower at Blackpool but I think he is wrong.

Why would you need at tower at the seaside?

What can you do at the tower?

I'm not very good a finding things on the Internet, can you help me?

Please tell me what the tower is for and what we can do there?

Please can you draw a picture of it for me too?

Thank you



Email 5- A souvenir from the trip

Wow, that tower looks amazing! Thank you for your pictures.

Dad said that we should take a souvenir home from Blackpool.

Dad said we could take some shells, but what else do you think that we could take?

Can you draw a picture to help me?

I have just finished packing and we will soon be ready to go.

Thank you for helping.



Email 6- Ready to go

Thank you for your help, I will have lots of souvenirs, the train ticket is a really good idea and I am going to buy a postcard of the tower too.

My suitcase is packed and I have my I spy ready for the train trip.

I am going to buy a net to fish in the rock pool and I am going to see Blackpool Tower.

You have been so helpful, you know so much about the seaside.


We will have a great time there.

Thank you



Tooth fairy



Caring for your teeth

Email 1- Why is it important to look after your teeth?

Dear Class,

I have such a busy job collecting little teeth from under pillows.

Lots of teeth I collect show what a wonderful job children are doing at looking after their teeth.

Unfortunately, not all boys and girls look after their teeth as well as they could which makes me very sad. Can you send me back a reply explaining why it is important to look after your teeth?

Your friend,

The Tooth Fairy


Email 2- How can you keep your teeth clean?

Dear Class,

Thank you for replying to me.

It is so important to look after your teeth, even if they are milk teeth! Having a clean and healthy set of teeth helps to prevent infections and problems in the future. Also, a clean set of teeth looks nice and keeps your breath fresh.

Can you tell me how to keep teeth clean?

Your friend,

The Tooth Fairy


Email 3- Keep looking after your teeth

Dear Class,

Thank you for the reply.

You must brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and again once in the evening just before you go to bed. You should spend about two minutes each time you brush your teeth.

Remember I prefer collecting teeth that are healthy and clean. So please make sure you continue to look after your teeth well.

Your friend,

The Tooth Fairy