Toolbar For Managing Files

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The File Manager toolbar is used to perform a wide range of actions in respect of files.

It is highlighted in red in the picture below:
(Please note that this is showing Icon View and not Table view).


The toolbar allows users to perform the following functions on files:

Open. This will open the selected files. See the section Opening Files.
Delete. Delete the selected file. See the section Deleting Files.
Tag. See section Tagging.
Set 2do. This allows you to set a piece of work as a 2do for your pupils.  See the 2do user guide for further details about 2dos.
Mark. This allow you to preview a selected piece of work, add comments, rewards and judgements to it. See the section Teacher Mark/Correct.
Comment. If a file(s) is selected, an edit comments box will appear where you can comment about a piece of work. See the section Commenting on Work.
Judgements. If a file(s) is selected, you will be able to assign curriculum objectives/outcomes to it and make a judgement. See the section Judgements.
Report.  See the section Report.
Print. See section Printing.
Upload. This allows a user to upload files to the file manager from their computer. See the section Uploading Files.
Rewards. If a file(s) is selected, this will allow the user to attribute rewards to the file. See the section Rewards.
2Displayboard. This allows you to put a piece of work on a displayboard.  You will get a choice of existing displayboards that you have access to.  For more details of displayboards, see the displayboards guide.
Create resource. This allows users to upload a new resource to publish in the Resource Library and share with other users of Purple Mash, should they wish.
Show table/Show icons. This is explained in Icon View and Table View.
Refresh. This will refresh the user's view of the file manager.
Hamburger menu. This contains some of the items above contingent on screen size, such as:

              -Rename. This renames a single selected file. See the section Renaming Files.